Sunday, July 01, 2007


In the Chicago Sun-Times, James M. Taylor notes, among other things, a few claims from Al Gore's 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" that had been refuted before the film was even released:

Gore claims the snowcap atop Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro is shrinking and that global warming is to blame. Yet according to the November 23, 2003, issue of Nature magazine, "Although it's tempting to blame the ice loss on global warming, researchers think that deforestation of the mountain's foothills is the more likely culprit. Without the forests' humidity, previously moisture-laden winds blew dry. No longer replenished with water, the ice is evaporating in the strong equatorial sunshine."


Gore claims global warming is causing an expansion of African deserts. However, the Sept. 16, 2002, issue of New Scientist reports, "Africa's deserts are in 'spectacular' retreat . . . making farming viable again in what were some of the most arid parts of Africa."

Gore argues Greenland is in rapid meltdown, and that this threatens to raise sea levels by 20 feet. But according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Glaciology, "the Greenland ice sheet is thinning at the margins and growing inland, with a small overall mass gain." In late 2006, researchers at the Danish Meteorological Institute reported that the past two decades were the coldest for Greenland since the 1910s.

Gore claims the Antarctic ice sheet is melting because of global warming. Yet the Jan. 14, 2002, issue of Nature magazine reported Antarctica as a whole has been dramatically cooling for decades. More recently, scientists reported in the September 2006 issue of the British journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, that satellite measurements of the Antarctic ice sheet showed significant growth between 1992 and 2003. And the U.N. Climate Change panel reported in February 2007 that Antarctica is unlikely to lose any ice mass during the remainder of the century.

Taylor ends his piece by wondering whether Gore will "rise to the occasion" and "lead by example in his call for an end to the distortion of science."

Taylor, apparently, has forgotten that Al Gore was a high-ranking member of the Clinton Administration--and that of the few to rise to the occasion in that administration, fewer still can be mentioned in polite company.


1 comment:

Dad29 said...

He also forgets that Gore invented the Internet and is the subject of a famous piece of non-fiction.

NOt to worry. AlGore's quitting the ecology kick to become President!!